Innovation for Crafted Living

Happy Living




Nowadays, the elderly are more likely to keep their natural teeth longer than ever, compared to when the dental health care system was less sophisticated. It is imperative to maintain excellent and long-lasting dental health for elders. Mouthwash product is another popular consumer choice to ensure freshness and oral hygiene on top of brushing the teeth. Mouthwash is another effective means that utilize beneficial substances like fluoride to promote oral health for elders. However, on-shelf mouthwashes, which are commercially available, contain chemicals that may irritate the lining of the mouth, cause a burning sensation in the oral cavity, or even tooth decay.  It could also “thinning” tooth enamel, which leads to sensitive teeth. Hence, it is not suitable for the elderly, who tend to have vulnerable oral physical characteristics. The mouthwash has been developed to leverage sweeteners from stevia extract, a natural substance that gives good taste. Research findings also contain a sufficient amount of fluoride that reduces cavities when used regularly, at least twice a day. The mouthwash is alcohol-free and free of other irritating chemicals, making it an ideal dental care product for the elderly.


254 อาคารเฉลิมราชกุมารี 60 พรรษา 2 Pathum Wan
Pathum Wan Bangkok 10330